Telecom Circuits

Telecom Circuit

A telecommunication circuit refers to a system or path through which information is transmitted. This system uses electrical, optical, or radio frequency signals to transmit data, voice, or video between two or more locations.

A telecom circuit is a group of electronic components and devices used in a telecommunications system that enables the transmission, processing and reception of signals.

The main types of telecommunication circuits are as follows

Wired circuit

The Wires or cables are used in such circuits. For example telephone line or internet cable etc.

Wireless circuit

These circuits are used for radio frequency or microwave signals. such as mobile networks or satellite communications. These circuits may consist of various components.


It converts information into signals.


Receiver which converts the signals back into information.


A medium through which signals travel, such as air, wire, or optical fiber.

Additional circuits

A special system was devised to provide additional one circuit from two pairs. The neutral (central) position of the two lines were used to derive the third circuit. This was called phantom circuit.

Phantom Circuit 
Three circuit on two pair of wires.

Phantom Circuit in Telecommunication 

In telecommunications, the “phantom circuit” is a technique used primarily in analog telephone systems. The purpose of this technique is to provide additional channels on a single physical cable. Here are some of the functions and benefits that a phantom circuit performs in telecommunications

Providing additional channels

With the help of a phantom circuit, three separate channels can be provided over a single cable. It consists of two normal channels as well as an additional phantom channel. It is created by the electrical configuration.

Better bandwidth usage:

This technique makes better use of the bandwidth of the cables as more data can be transmitted over a single cable. Lack of strings With the help of phantom circuit, more connections can be made in fewer cables, thereby reducing the need for cabling.

Economic advantage

Installation and maintenance costs are reduced due to the need for less cabling. The technique was particularly effective in older telephone lines, where the need for new cabling could be reduced and existing infrastructure could be better utilized.

Technical utility

This technique was particularly useful in older telephone lines, where the need for new cabling could be reduced and existing infrastructure could be better utilized.

Less commonly used with development, but historically it has played an important role in analog telephone networks

Balanced of Cable Capacitance

Multi-pair telephone cable have high capatance between the wires. This has two effects. Any un-balanced in the capatance between conductors of adjacent pairs gives rise to cross-talk. While jointing the two length of the cable this unbalanced is tried to minimized. In order to achieve this measurements are taken of the prevailing unbalance.

Conductors are marked 1,2,3 & 4. Capacitance to sheath
– C10,C 20,C 30, & C 40 
If necessary capacitor are also inverted. This is called “Balancing”.

Improving performance by reducing
losses of cables

Another problem with high Capacitance of cables pairs is extra losses in transmission due to shunting effect. As is known that capacitors and inductors have opposite effect in circuit therefore inductance coils are inserted at intervals (S) along the cable route to neutralize the distributed capacitance for reducing losses. This technique is called “Cable Loading”.

Following is a complete method to improve performance by reducing cable losses in a telecom circuit.

Some important types of telecom circuit are highlighted here.

  • Analog Circuits

These circuits use continuous signals and are used in radio, TV and old telephone systems.

  • Digital Circuits

These circuits use binary code (0s and 1s). and are used in computer networks, modern telephone systems.

Modulation and Demodulation

  • Modulation

This process is done to put signals on a carrier wave so that they can be transmitted over long distances.

  • Demodulation

It is the process of extracting the original information from the received signals.

  • Frequency Bands

Different frequency bands, such as VHF (Very High Frequency), UHF (Ultra High Frequency) etc., are used in telecommunication to transmit different types of signals.

  • Switching and Routing

Switching is the process of establishing and terminating connections between different users. It plays an important role in telephone exchanges.

Routing is the process of routing signals, it is especially important in digital networks.

Error Detection and Correction

Error Detection

Methods of detecting errors in received data.

  • Error Correction

Methods of correcting detected errors.

Advanced Technologies

  • Fiber optics

It use of light signals for high-speed data transfer.
Optical fiber circuit is very important in telecom. They use light signals instead of traditional copper wires. Its importance is clear from the following points.

  • Bandwidth

Optical fiber circuits provide very high bandwidth. Due to which large amount of data can be transferred quickly. This circuit is very important among Internet Service Providers (ISPs).

  • Long distance

Optical fibers in telecommunication networks can transmit signals over long distances without loss. Optical fiber transmission is also highly preferred for international and intercontinental communications.

  • Low Noise

Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is not a problem in optical fiber circuits, a common problem found in copper wires. Due to this, the quality of the signals is much better.

  • Security

Data transmitted through optical fiber is very difficult to tap or steal, which makes its security even stronger. It is of great importance for the transmission of banking, government and other sensitive information.

  • Light weight and flexibility

This type of Optical fiber cables are lighter in weight and more flexible than copper cables. Makes them easier to lay and maintain.

  • Low cost

Although the initial installation cost of optical fiber can be high, its maintenance cost is very low. In the long run it is cost-effective.

  • Suitable for future technologies

The Optical fiber circuits are suitable for future technologies such as 5G networks, Internet of Things (IoT). And provides the best platform for high quality video streaming.

  • Reliability and Durability

It cables are highly reliable and have a long life span.Because of this, they are less affected by temperature changes, humidity and other weather effects.

The wireless technologies that is Wi-Fi, 4G, 5G for transferring signals without wires.

Wireless circuit plays an important role in telecommunication. Especially in the current era where mobile communication, Wi-Fi, and other wireless technologies are being used a lot.

Mobile communication Wireless circuits are the basic components of mobile phones. These enable mobile devices to connect with base stations, thanks to which we can communicate anywhere and anytime.

  • Propagation and reach

Wireless circuits enable communication reach in various areas where cabling is not possible or difficult. Thanks to this, the spread of internet and phone services is possible on a large scale.

  • Mobility and Portability

The Wireless circuits used in mobile and portable devices. They provide on-the-go connectivity to mobile phones, laptops, tablets and other portable devices.

  • High-speed data transfer

Modern wireless technologies such as 4G and 5G provide very high-speed data transfer. that meet high bandwidth requirements such as video streaming, online gaming and other real-time applications.

  • IoT (Internet of Things)

This Wireless circuits play a fundamental role in the Internet of Things (IoT), where various devices and sensors are interconnected through wireless connections. It is important in smart homes, smart cities and industrial automation.

  • Security and Privacy

Advanced encryption techniques are used in wireless communication systems. which can improve data security and privacy.

  • Various Applications

Wireless circuits are used in various applications such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, satellite communication, and other wireless protocols.

  • Flexible Networking

The Wireless circuits provide flexibility in network expansion and change. Cabling is not required to add new devices or users.

Wireless circuits have revolutionized telecommunications. Communication has become more flexible, accessible and efficient. From mobile communication to the Internet of Things, wireless technologies have made our daily lives easier and will continue to play an increasingly important role in the future.

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