MEPCO Market Implementation And Regulatory Affair Department MIRAD
MIRAD is the abbreviation of Market Implementation And Regulatory Affair Department.This department will first support MEPCO in carrying out the planned activities for the Competitive Trading Bilateral Contract Market (CTBCM).
Later, it will handle market-related functions for MEPCO as outlined in the approved plan. It will serve as the main connection between MEPCO and the competitive electricity market, staffed by experts with the necessary skills and backed by the required infrastructure.
The department’s role will include implementing and managing market operations, overseeing bilateral contracts, forecasting short and medium-term demand, planning transmission, and handling legal and regulatory matters.

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Key Function of MIRAD
The main purpose of MIRAD (Market Implementation and Regulatory Affairs Department) is to manage the implementation of competitive electricity market activities, oversee market operations, and ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
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