MEPCO Bill Online 2024 – Check and Download MEPCO Duplicate Bill

If you loss or misplaced your original Electricity bill , then download MEPCO duplicate bill on this platform. It is not a difficult task to get a duplicate electricity bill.Visit and enter your 14 digit reference number and select the month for duplicate bill.

Consumers can also avail MEPCO duplicate bill from near by MEPCO customer service centre. A duplicate bill contains all information as provided in original MEPCO bill.

Generally , MEPCO electricity bill contains the following information.

Billing Month: The month for which bill is being issued.

Address & Name: The name and address of the consumer.

Reference Number: A dedicated number allotted to a consumer for identification. 14 digit reference number can be used to check online bill.

Tariff: The applicable rates and charges approved by NEPRA for the category of connection.

Load: The load sanctioned for the connection.

Meter Number: Billing meter and net metering.

Date of Connection: The date on which meter was installed.

Reading Date: The date on which meter reading is taken.

Issue Date: The date on which bill is issued to the consumer.

Due Date: The date by which amount of the bill is to be paid.However if the due date fall on holiday , the due date shall be the next working day.

Present meter reading: The meter reading taken on the reading date.

Previous meter reading: The meter reading taken on the previous reading date.

Exported / Imported Units: In case of net metering

Total Units consumed: The unit consumed during a billing period or average consumption in case of defective meter.

Total Cost of Electricity: The cost as per applicable tariff of total units consumed or average consumption in case of defective meter.

Instalments: Any amount to be paid as per installments allowed by the competent officer.

GST: The General Sales Tax levied by the Government of Pakistan.

Deferred Amount: Amount deferred by Multan Electric Supply Company MEPCO

Arrears: Unpaid amount of the bill.

Late Payment Surcharge( LPS): The amount levied on account of non -payment of bill within due date.

Fixed Charges: As defined in Tariff terms and conditions.

Variable Charges: As defined in Tariff terms and conditions.

Other Charges: Fuel Price Adjustment , Quarterly tariff adjustment( QTA) , Financing Cost , Annual Distribution Margin Component , PTV Fee , Withholding tax , any other charges /surcharge levied by the Federal Government etc.

Provision of Duplicate Bills for MEPCO Consumers

MEPCO provides facility to its consumers to avail the duplicate bill. Click here to check and download your MEPCO duplicate bill.

MEPCO Introduction in a Glance

MEPCO, Multan Electric Power Company is the largest distribution company of PEPCO. Its territory consists of 13 districts of South Punjab. MEPCO is the only distribution company that touches three provinces of Pakistan and five distribution companies such as Hesco in Sadiqabad (Sindh), Pesco in Wahwa (KPK), Kesco in Fort Munro (Baluchistan), Fesco in Bhakkar and Lesco in Sahiwal.

MEPCO also touches the Indian border at Manchanabad Bahawalnagar. Administratively, MEPCO controls the area through its nine operational circles of Multan, Khanewal, Sahiwal, Bahawalpur, Bahawalnagar, Muzaffargarh, DG Khan, Rahimyar Khan and Vehari.

MEPCO’s charter is to provide reliable and secure power supply to consumers within its jurisdiction. Achieving the MEPCO charter envisages creation of resources and engineering projects for additions, renovations and additions to the distribution system.

MEPCO Bill Online 2024 - Check and Download MEPCO Duplicate Bill

How to Check MEPCO Bill With Reference Number

Reference number is the 14 digit number which is allocated to each consumer for identification. Each consumer contain unique reference number. Check MEPCO online bill through reference number is the easiest and common used method.

MEPCO consumer should enter his/her 14 digit number and check the bill online. This number can be seen on the left side of the bill. For more understanding it is mentioned in the below image.

Check MEPCO bill with Reference Number

How to Check MEPCO Duplicate Bill Without Reference Number

It is not matter of worry , if you do not have your reference number. You can check your MEPCO duplicate bill by using consumer ID. Put 10 digit consumer ID and click on check bill button. MEPCO consumer bill will be displayed.


You can download a MEPCO duplicate bill by visiting, entering your 14-digit reference number, and selecting the desired month.

If you lose your original MEPCO bill, you can either download a duplicate bill online or visit a nearby MEPCO customer service centre to obtain one.

A MEPCO electricity bill typically includes billing month, consumer’s name and address, reference number, tariff, sanctioned load, meter number, connection date, reading date, issue date, due date, meter readings, total units consumed, total cost of electricity, and other charges.

The reference number is a unique 14-digit number allocated to each consumer for identification. It is used to check the bill online.

Fixed charges are defined in the tariff terms and conditions, while variable charges are based on the actual consumption and other factors like fuel price adjustment.

Yes, you can check your MEPCO duplicate bill without a reference number by using your 10-digit consumer ID on the MEPCO bill check platform.

If the due date falls on a holiday, the payment deadline will be extended to the next working day.

The ‘Other Charges’ section may include fuel price adjustment, quarterly tariff adjustment (QTA), financing costs, PTV fee, withholding tax, and any other surcharges levied by the Federal Government.

MEPCO serves 13 districts in South Punjab and touches three provinces of Pakistan and five other distribution companies.

The reference number can be found on the left side of the bill, typically listed as a 14-digit number unique to each consumer.

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