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What is Frequency  Hz (Hertz)


The frequency is the variety of microwaves that can travel throughout a single second. It is defined in terms of hertz (hz). Since the speed of radio signals is constant, low freq have long wavelengths whilst also high freq have short wavelengths

What is Frequency 

frequency is indeed the rate during which current changes direction per second. it is express in hertz (hz).

The International Unit Of Frequency Measure 

The international unit of measure where 1 hz is the same as 1 cycle/second. 

The hertz (hz) = 1 hertz is equal to 1 cycle/second.

cycle = one complete wave after all ac electrical or voltage.frequency is indeed the rate during which current changes direction per second. it is evaluated in hertz (hz)

Radio Frequency RF

The radio spectrum is the part of the electromagnetic waves spectrum. Its frequencies from 3 Hz to 3,000 GHz (3 THz). These Electromagnetic waves in this frequency range, called radio waves. These are widely used in modern technology, such as telecommunication networks systems. It prevent interference between different users. These generation and transmission of electromagnetic radio waves is strictly regulated by national laws.

The coordinated of an international body, that is (ITU) International Telecommunication Union.


Frequency Allocation Band.

The ordinance provides for establishing a Frequency Allocation Band (FAB) by transformation of Pakistan Wireless Board functioning since 1951 under the Federal Government. The board has exclusive authority in allocation and assessment of radio frequency for Telecommunication and broad casting. For the purpose the board is empowered to make necessary regulations. The board is funded from allocations made by the PTA. All requests for allocation of frequencies are to be made to the PTA along with application for license. The PTA is required to refer the application to FAB within 30 days and the FAB is intimate the status of application within 3 month. Allocations of the frequency are made by the FAB in accordance with the ITU guidelines and necessary coordination is diaccordingly.

The Cellular Mobile Phone Frequency 

The Cellular (Mobile phone networks) frequencies are the units of frequency degrees inside the extremely excessive frequency band which have been assigned for mobile-well matched cell devices, which includes cell phones, to connect with mobile cells phone networks. Most cell networks global use quantities of the radio frequency spectrum, allotted to the cell carrier, for the transmission and reception in their signals. The precise bands can also be shared with different radio communication services, e.g. broadcasting carrier, and stuck carrier operation.

Radio Frequency use Mobile Phone Networks 

The RF used for cellular Mobile Phone networks differ in International Telecommuniation Union (ITU) Regions like as (Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia).

The First Commercial Standards For Mobile Phone Connection 

The first commercial standard for mobile phone connection in the USA was AMPS. It was in the 800 MHz frequency band.

The Different FB Frequency Band 

In the Nordic countries of Europe, the first wide-spread automatic mobile cell phone network was based on the NMT-450 standard. It was in the 450 MHz band. Such as Smart phones became more popular and affordable, mobile providers face encountered a problem that they couldn’t provide service to the increasing number of customers. They will have to grow their residing systems and subsequently introduce standards, almost always centered on all other freq. Some European states (and Japan)…They adopted TACS operating in 900 MHz. 

GSM Standards 

The standard of GSM, which appeared in Europe to replace NMT-450 and other standards, initially used the 900 MHz FB (Frequency band) too. When the demand grew, carriers acquired licenses in the 1,800 MHz Frequency band. (Normally the speaking, lower frequencies allow carriers to provide coverage over a vastly area, that higher frequencies allow carriers to Providers Services to more customers in a smaller area.)

USA The Analog AMPS Standard 

In the U.S.A., the Analog “AMPS standard” that used the cellular Frequency band (800 MHz). It was also changed by a number of digital systems. The systems based upon the AMPS cellular mobile phone model were popular that is IS-95 ( is known as “CDMA”, that is air interface technology and its uses).
The IS-136 (invariably referred to as D-AMPS, Digital AMPS, or “TDMA”, the existing wireless advancements it uses).
The IS-136 (invariably referred to as D-AMPS, Digital AMPS, or “TDMA”, the IEEE 802.11 advancements it uses). 
The IS-136 on some of these frequency ranges seemed to be supplemented by very many business owners with GSM. GSM were already operating for certain moments on U. S. A PCS (1,900 MHz) freq. 
The some NMT-450 ofdm systems have already been transformed with digital connections using the same frequency. In the Russia and a few other cultures, neighborhood warships earned license fees for 450 MHz frequency spectrum to just provide CDMA phone communication range.
The many GSM cell phones support three bands such as (900/1,800/1,900 MHz or 4 frequency bands (850/900/1,800/1,900 MHz).There are frequently referred to as tri-band and quad-band mobiles, remember as globe devices. This mobility wasn’t as wide-spread with IS-95 mobile, but that said, as IS-95 systems will not occur in much of Europe. 
Cellular Mobile connections are based on various standards may use the good frequency spectrum. 
For explanation, AMPS, D-AMPS, N-AMPS and IS-95 were all used the 800 MHz frequency. Person can locate both AMPS and IS-95 connections to be used on the good frequency in a same expanse who do not interact with one another. The absolute number frequency used against a special phone can vary, reckoning on the setups of the carrier’s bs.

Cellular Mobile Phone Network Frequency 

The cellular mobile phone network is a telecommunications network where that is link to and from end nodes is wireless systems. These network is distributed over land areas called cells phone networks system. Each had been served by at least one fixed-location transceiver (typically three cell sites or base transceiver stations). These base stations provide the cell phone with the network coverage which can be used for transmission of all types of data such as voice calls, Video calls, massaging and other Telegraphy. A cellular mobile phone networks systems typically uses a different set of frequencies from cells, to avoid interference each other. These network system provide guaranteed service quality within each cell.

When the cellular phone joined together, these cell phone provide radio coveraged over a vastly geographic area. This enables numerous portable transceivers (For example, mobile phones, tablets and laptops connected with mobile broadband modems and other teleommunication devices etc.) to communicate with each other and with fixed frequency band transmit and received signals for telephones anywhere in the network, via BTS.

Such as the some of the transceivers are moving through more than one mobile cell phone during transmission.

The more capacity than a single large range transmitter, that can be used the same frequency for 

the multiple links as long as they are in different mobile phone. These 

mobile phone devices are use less power than with a single transmitter or other medium i.e satellite. The mobile cell towers are closer

for long area coverage such a single terrestrial transmitter, since the additional cell phone transmission towers like BTS, that can be added indefinitely and are not limited by the horizon

Capability of using higher frequency signals ( that more available bandwidth / faster data speed rates). These are not able to propagate at long distance areas 

With data compression and multiplexing, such as video (including digital video). These audio channels may travel through a higher rate of frequency band signal on a single wideband carrier

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